Black Lives Matter: Our Statement
The National Centre for Atmospheric Science supports the UKRI statement on Black Lives Matter. The Black Lives Matter movement has inspired and encouraged us to reflect on the everyday injustices facing Black people, including across the atmospheric science research community.
We are committed to promoting and maintaining equality and diversity as an organisation, in order to achieve an inclusive and productive culture where all staff feel respected and valued.
We recognise that we are in the early stages of a vitally important journey, and there is much more to do.
As part of this journey we are carefully examining and developing our policies and practices, in full consultation with our staff and the NCAS Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity group, working towards inclusive and diverse teams throughout the organisation, at all levels.
We also recognise that careers in science are critically dependent on educational choices and equal access to opportunities, including higher education and training.
As a national centre, we commit to working with our university colleagues and partners through outreach activities to support and encourage young people from communities that are currently under-represented in science.
Signed by the Directors on behalf of NCAS:
Professor Stephen Mobbs, Executive Director
Professor Lesley Gray, Director of Science and Staff
Professor Ally Lewis, Director of Science (Chemistry)
Professor Rowan Sutton, Director of Science (Climate)
Professor Geraint Vaughan, Director of Science (Physics)
Mary E Black, Non-Executive Director
Dr Barbara Brooks, Non-Executive Director (Staff)
Belinda Howell, Non-Executive Director
Sir Graham Stacey, Non-Executive Director