NERC proudly celebrates the excellence of six research centres, including NCAS
The Natural Environment Research Council has conducted an independent review of the research centres that it supports, including the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, in order to provide an objective assessment of the UK’s contribution to critical environmental science.
The evaluation, spanning the last six years and based on the 2021 Research Excellence Framework, showed that the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) delivers excellent quality research of an international standard. The evaluation shows that NCAS is right to be proud of its place alongside other leading research centres in the UK – BAS, NCEO, NOC, PML and UKCEH.
The scope of NERC’s assessment included the quality of research outputs produced by staff, the impact of the centre’s research, and the vitality and sustainability of the working environment.
The results of NERC’s assessment recognise the world-leading quality, significance, and impact of NCAS’ scientific activities, and are a fitting reflection of the important role which NCAS plays in cutting-edge environmental science.
This second evaluation of NERC Research Centres is very timely as we embark on the implementation of the NCAS Strategy 2020-2025. We are delighted with the outcome and will use the evaluation to build on our strengths and identify areas for development. The first of these evaluations took place in 2013, and it is most pleasing to see that we have made substantial progress in all areas over the past seven years. This is to a large degree down to the dedication and excellence of all our staff.
Professor Stephen Mobbs, Executive Director of the National Centre for Atmospheric Science
Given the huge national and international interest in our changing climate, air pollution, and hazardous weather, the importance of advancing science and contributing to the worldwide debate on the state of the environment has never been greater.
This evaluation gives us the confidence to push ahead with our research, skills-development and infrastructure-provision that will bring benefits to the UK, such as clean air solutions, resilience to climate change, and early-warning systems for high-risk weather.