Atmospheric Science Conference 2022-23: Atmospheric Science for Society
The Atmospheric Science Conference (ASC) 2022-23 programme will bring together atmospheric scientists from across the UK, for a series of three meetings with the overarching theme of ‘Atmospheric Science for Society’.
The ASC aims to provide a format where people from across the atmospheric science community can reconnect, present their work, discuss ideas, and identify the collective relevance of their science to society.
We will gather in-person and online, to cultivate collaborations and routes to real-world impacts, using a combination of workshops, networking sessions, short talks, and plenary speakers.
The last ASC was organised as a series of short online events. While recognising the value and impacts of different conference formats, we have decided to offer one full-day in-person meeting, followed by two online sessions.
We encourage people from all fields of atmospheric science, and related sectors, to save these dates and join us on:
Wednesday 6 July 2022, full day, Manchester
Tuesday 22 November 2022, online
Tuesday 21 March 2023, online
To support the overarching theme of ‘Atmospheric Science for Society’, the three events will broadly include contributions covering: research on climate change, air pollution, and weather hazards; solutions that assist business, policy makers and society; developments in observational and data facilities and technologies; new fields and applications of atmospheric science.
The ASC is proudly hosted by the National Centre for Atmospheric Science and the Royal Meteorological Society, who are committed to nurturing an inclusive atmospheric science community, and working to achieve environmental sustainability across the ASC.