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Associates programme for staff who leave the organisation

The National Centre for Atmospheric Sciences’ (NCAS) Associates Programme offers the opportunity for staff who leave the organisation to continue their association with NCAS and have access to a range of privileges to support their work going forward. It is our way to acknowledge and show appreciation for the contribution they have made to NCAS, and to smooth the way for mutually beneficial future collaboration and association.


The package of privileges include: 

  • Continued use of an NCAS email address and access to NCAS Gmail
  • Use of the NCAS Google Drive (including Docs, Sheets, Slides and Forms); NCAS Google Calendar, NCAS Google Photos, NCAS Google Chat, NCAS Zoom and NCAS Slack (all subject to fair usage)
  • An invitation to the NCAS Annual Staff meeting with attendance paid for by NCAS
  • Receiving the monthly NCAS Circulation e-newsletter (these will be sent to your NCAS email address only)
  • Access to a bookable desk at NCAS sites and to local lab space (at the discretion of the Site Lead and subject to availability)
  • Access to and use of NCAS facilities (at the discretion of the Director of Scientific Services, Facilities & Training, and subject to availability)
  • Access to NCAS Operations functions including staff development training (at the discretion of the Operations Director, and subject to availability)

Terms, application process, and criteria

NCAS Associates are appointed for a 3 year term. This can be renewed and there are no limits to the number of terms an Associate can have. Applications can be submitted by the member of staff who is leaving, their Line Manager, or Head of Site, via emailing the People Team.

Applications will be considered by the NCAS Executive Group, with the decision communicated to all parties within 5 working days. It is recommended that applications are submitted no less than 6 weeks prior to the leaving date of the member of staff. The application form will ask if there are any specific resources, services or lab/facility access that may be required (privileges 5-7) and the reason for this.

Qualifying criteria include:

  • long service with NCAS and/or, 
  • significant contribution to NCAS and/or, 
  • expected future or ongoing collaboration with NCAS.

NCAS should be recognised in any publications where NCAS resources are used. 

NCAS reserves the right to withdraw membership of the NCAS Associates Programme and any affiliated privileges at any time from an individual. This decision will be made by the NCAS Executive Group, with the NCAS Executive Director having the final decision if required.

Short term status

In order to support post-doctoral research associates (PDRAs) moving to new positions outside of NCAS, short term access to the Associates Programme privileges is available for up to 6 months to help with their transition to a new role. A request can be made directly to the Head of Site or an NCAS Director, who will consider and approve each case on its individual merits. The outcome will then be communicated to the NCAS People Team and recorded in the NCAS People database. If the requirement is longer than 6 months the full Associates Programme process must be followed.

Further information and support

For further information and support please drop an email to the NCAS People Team.