Job Opportunity: Senior Research Scientist
Location: Whiteknights, University of Reading
Salary: £42,149 – £47,419 p.a. pro rata
Contract length: Fixed Term
Contract type: Full Time
Closing date: Friday 8 July 2022
We are seeking a post-doctoral Senior Research Scientist for the High Resolution Global Climate Modelling (HRCM) core programme, a key aspect of strategic research developed at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science in Reading. We will develop and exploit mesoscale global configurations (sub-10km in both atmosphere and ocean) of current coupled models – based on HadGEM3 –, suitable for the investigation of scale interactions in the climate system. The focus of the post is the development of a shallow configuration of the NEMO ocean model, to enable sub-seasonal to seasonal global simulations at 3km. These developments will be ported in the medium term to a new global configuration, based on the new atmospheric dynamical core, GungHo, supported by a complementary post in HRCM.
You will have:
- Substantial experience in developing, operating and assessing high-resolution coupled (ocean-atmosphere) GCMs, or at least the ocean and sea-ice component of a GCM.
- A strong interest, and experience, in the investigation and understanding of processes that underpin the evolution of coupled mesoscale processes in the climate system.
- Proven analytical capabilities, including the ability to effectively analyse large data
- Willingness and ability to engage with the international community on the grand challenge of developing global climate models, suitable for CMIP-class simulation, at 10km or less.
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To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact:
Pier Luigi Vidale, Principal Investigator – pierluigi.vidale@ncas.ac.uk
Steve Woolnough, Head of NCAS Reading – s.j.woolnough@reading.ac.uk