Job Opportunity: UK National Climate Science Partnership Co-Director
Location: To be employed by and hosted within one of the following NERC Centres – the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS), the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH), or the National Oceanography Centre (NOC). The likely principal working location will be Reading for NCAS, Wallingford for UKCEH or Southampton for NOC. However viable alternatives can be discussed.
Salary: In the region of £60k – £70k (pro rata)
Contract length: 3 years
Contract type: 60% (secondment arrangements will be welcomed)
Closing date: 09:00 on Monday 27 February 2023
Interview date: Thursday 30 March 2023, via Zoom
Role to commence: Summer 2023
Read the full candidate brief
Are you ready to help shape the future of climate science? Do you have the ability to take an Earth System approach to climate science and solutions? Would you like the opportunity to develop your strategic leadership skills and experience at a national level? If so, we’d like to hear from you!
The UKNCSP partners have agreed to appoint two co-directors who will have shared responsibility for leading the implementation of the partners’ vision for the UKNCSP through the development of an appropriate strategy underpinned by practical and effective implementation plans; securing sustainable funding; and achieving ambitious outcomes through active collaboration.
One co-director will be employed by and hosted within a NERC research centre, and the other will be employed by and hosted within the Met Office. This recruitment relates to the co-director employed by and hosted within a NERC research centre.
Within the NERC centres, the UKNCSP co-director will work closely with the centre Science Directors in order to develop the strategic alignment between the research centres and the UKNCSP. This will involve identification of common scientific priorities and opportunities, along with securing the necessary budgetary commitments.
Further Information
Potential candidates are encouraged to discuss their interest in the role with any of the following:
- Professor Stephen Mobbs, Executive Director of NCAS – stephen.mobbs@ncas.ac.uk
- Professor Ed Hill, Chief Executive of NOC – ehill@noc.ac.uk
- Professor Mark Bailey, Executive Director of UKCEH – mbailey@ceh.ac.uk
These discussions may include the UKNCSP co-director role itself and potential additional roles within the centre so as to make the position one of full time employment, if appropriate. NCAS, NOC and UKCEH are open to the possibility of individuals undertaking the UKNCSP co-director role as a secondment.
How to Apply
Your application should contain:
- A statement of no more than 2 pages describing your vision for the development of the UKNCSP and how you meet the person specification;
- If appropriate, within the statement, please describe how you intend to fit this 60% role around other duties;
- An up to date CV.
Please send your completed application to: Ali Gane, NCAS Workforce Lifecycle Manager – ali.gane@ncas.ac.uk