Strategy and oversight
Our Science Strategy Board provides top level scientific research strategy and oversight; recommendations for science strategies and priorities for the consideration of the Management Board; a way to review the delivery of science across the organisation; and assessment of progress and outcomes – in line with our Research and Innovation Strategy.
Our Science Strategy Board
Our Management Board is made up of the following members:
Science Director: Professor Jacqui Hamilton
Scientific Services, Facilities and Training Director: Dr Barbara Brooks
Air Pollution Theme Leader: Dr Sarah Moller
Long Term Global Change Theme Leader: Dr Till Kuhlbrodt
Climate and High Impact Weather Co-Theme Leader: Dr Ioana Colfescu
Climate and High Impact Weather Co-Theme Leader: Professor Andrew Turner
Air Pollution Theme Representative: Dr James Allan
Long Term Global Change Representative: Dr Paul Griffiths
Executive Director: Professor Stephen Mobbs
Natural Environment Research Council Representative: Lizzie Garrett
Science Representative: Professor Pier Luigi Vidale
Science Representative: Professor Bryan Lawrence
Science Representative: Antje Weisheimer
Science Representative: Ryan Neely III