Home / About / Leadership
Professor Stephen Mobbs stands, wearing a grey suit, in front of blue aircraft engines

The National Centre for Atmospheric Science is led by its Management Board.

The Executive Director, Professor Stephen Mobbs, is advised and supported by the Management Board, Science Theme Leaders and Heads of Services and Facilities.

Our Management Board is made up of nine leaders.

Our Management Board members are:

Executive Director: Professor Stephen Mobbs

Science Director: Professor Jacqui Hamilton

Scientific Services and Facilities Director: Dr Barbara Brooks

Operations Director: Mr John Eager

Staff Members Dr Ioana Colfescu and Dr Luke Abraham

Non-Executive Director: Dr Nick Beard

Non-Executive Director: Professor Mary E Black

Non-Executive Director: Sir Graham Stacey

Natural Environment Research Council Observer: Jennifer Jamieson Ball (Associate Director of Resources & Engagement)

Our research is coordinated by science programme leaders.

Our research leaders are:

Air Pollution: Dr James Allan

Climate and Global Change: Professor Andy Turner

Digital Atmosphere: Dr Ioana Colfescu

Weather Science: Dr Charles Chemel

Our Heads of Services and Facilities look after our measurement and data services.

Our Heads of Services and Facilities are:

Head of the Atmospheric Measurement and Observation Facility: Dr Chris Walden

Joint Deputy Head of the Atmospheric Measurement and Observation Facility: Dr Grant Forster and Dr David Hooper

Head of the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis: Dr Phillip Kershaw

Head of Computer Modelling Services: Dr Grenville Lister

Head of the FAAM Airborne Laboratory: Mr Alan Woolley