The National Centre for Atmospheric Science identity is designed to be a strong and recognisable mark.
Staff, students and collaborators should display our logo on all promotional or corporate materials, including presentations, reports and websites.
Using our logo
A few simple rules will ensure consistent application across our communications.
- Be careful not to distort or change the logo in any way, always use the version provided by NCAS. When you resize the logo, ensure that ‘maintain aspect ratio’ is selected in your software package.
- Make sure the logo is legible. We recommend that the logo is displayed at a minimum of 30mm wide for print, and 125px wide on digital screens.
- Apply a reasonable clearance zone when positioning the logo. This makes sure the logo has enough space around it to stand out.
- Always present our logo in full. There’s no reason to alter the text or graphic.
Our logo is available to download in full colour or white only. If you need alternative versions to the primary logo, contact comms@ncas.ac.uk.
Download our logo
Our full colour logo is available for download in a print-ready format (.eps) or for digital use (.png). This is the first-choice logo for print and online material, and should be used for most communications that come into contact with key stakeholders, users, and the public.
For design flexibility we also provide the logo in mono-color as white. This may be needed to improve the legibility of the logo when placed against dark or blue background colours or images.
Our typeface
We use Nunito Sans as our primary font online. It’s clear and easy to read on digital screens.
Our colour palette
Our primary colour is ‘Earth Green’.
Hex #186F4D
RGB 24, 111, 77
Pantone 3425
CMYK 100, 0, 78, 42
Our boilerplate
A boilerplate is a single piece of text that describes our organisation. It’s essentially a condensed version of the About section of the website that can be used in press releases, event programmes, recruitment, and science publications. You can use or share our boilerplate alongside our logo:
National Centre for Atmospheric Science
The National Centre for Atmospheric Science is a world leading research centre, dedicated to the advancement of atmospheric science. Our research falls into three key areas. These are air pollution, climate and high-impact weather and long-term global changes in our atmosphere.
We also provide the UK with state-of-the-art services for observing and modelling the atmosphere. These include a research aircraft, advanced ground-based observational facilities, computer modelling and support, and facilities for storing and analysing data.
We play a significant and influential role in many international science programmes and provide advice, leadership and national capability in atmospheric science.
The National Centre for Atmospheric Science is supported by the Natural Environment Research Council, and has over 200 members of staff embedded in 12 UK universities and research institutes.
Website: www.ncas.ac.uk
LinkedIn: National Centre for Atmospheric Science
Twitter: AtmosScience
Facebook: UKAtmosScience
YouTube: AtmosScience