Fast track your research impact
Course date: Thursday 16th April 2020, 9:30am – 4:30pm
Location: Online
Registration deadline: Thursday 26 March 2020
We are offering 30 places on a free one-day training course in April, which will give you everything you need to generate and communicate real-world impacts from your research and public engagement.
You will learn about practical tools to time-efficiently increase the significance and reach of your impact. As part of the session you will receive your own copy of the second edition of The Research Impact Handbook.
There are 30 places available on this free training course, which are open to UK-based environmental science researchers.
Event Details
Evidence-based principles and templates
Learn about evidence-based principles for delivering impact from research and public engagement when you don’t have much time.
Discover easy and quick-to-use templates you can use immediately to (1) prioritise publics to engage with first, and (2) create a powerful impact plan that will guarantee your research makes a difference without wasting your time.
Integrating and tracking impact
Learn how to track, evaluate and evidence impact, discovering time-efficient ways to keep track of impacts as they arise, and design an impact evaluation that convincingly attributes impacts to your research
Find out how to integrate impact in a fellowship or grant proposal, based on the latest UKRI guidance.
Find out what made a 4* impact case study, based on research into high versus low-scoring cases in REF2014, and how expectations are changing for REF2021. Bring along your draft case study with specific questions or just join the debate in an impact case study surgery session.
Engaging the public and policymakers
Design and facilitate workshops for public engagement: discover tools that will empower you to deal with the most challenging situations and individuals and lead events that everyone enjoys.
Learn how to get your research into policy, wherever you work in the world, by building trust, working with intermediaries and designing effective policy briefs
Follow-up programme
After the course, you are invited to an optional free follow-up programme over five weeks, so you can apply what you have learned. You can work through these steps yourself from the handbook, but by signing up to take these steps online, you get access to extra material. Each step consists of a 6 minute video with accompanying text and tasks. Prof Reed continues to answer all questions from participants via email after the course.
About the trainer and Fast Track Impact
Prof Mark Reed is a recognised international expert in impact research with >150 publications that have been cited >17,000 times. He holds a Research England & N8 funded Chair at Newcastle University, is research lead for an international charity, and has won awards for the impact of his research.
Fast Track Impact is an international training company working in the Higher Education and research and innovation sectors. Its mission is to change the way researchers generate and share knowledge, so that their ideas can change the world.