Recommended ways to recognise your affiliation to NCAS
We expect staff to credit the National Centre for Atmospheric Science where practicably possible.
It is important to help us create a comprehensive record of research outputs and to raise our organisation’s profile – including our science, facilities, services, and courses.
We recognise that staff at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science may also want to (or are required to) recognise their affiliation to a facility, service, or their host department and institution.
To help you with crediting the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, we have provided some examples and a suggested format for you to refer to when working on research papers, conference presentations, quotes in the media, and funding applications.
Example 1. Describing a person taking part in an event:
“The workshop facilitator is Dr Harriett Richardson. Harriett is the Communications Manager for the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, and is based at the University of Leeds.”
Example 2. Listing affiliations on a research paper:
“Professor Jacqueline Hamilton(1,2)
(1) National Centre for Atmospheric Science
(2) Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories, Department of Chemistry, University of York
Example 3. For a quote in a news article:
“Mr Alan Woolley heads up the FAAM Airborne Laboratory, an atmospheric research aircraft facility managed by the National Centre for Atmospheric Science. He explains…”
Example 4. Describing someone involved in a measurement campaign:
“Dr Hugo Ricketts, Instrument Scientist, Atmospheric Measurement & Observation Facility, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Manchester.”
Example 5. Listing affiliations on a conference abstract:
“Dr Wendy Garland, Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Science and Technology Facilities Council”
Suggested format:
Name, NCAS service or facility (optional), National Centre for Atmospheric Science, host institution department (optional), host institution