Event: Join a hands-on MPAS atmospheric modelling course this summer
Join atmospheric modelling experts this summer to gain hands-on experience of using state-of-the-art atmospheric model and data assimilation software, taught by the people that wrote and developed it.
Leading scientists from the National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in the USA, and the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) in the UK, are joining forces in June to help you get the most out of MPAS-Atmosphere and MPAS-JEDI.
Our training course will take place from Monday 23 – Friday 27 June at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. Registration to attend the course is now open.
MPAS is a state-of-the-art model. The atmospheric components of MPAS have applications in global climate, regional climate, and weather studies. Tutorials and step-by-step interactive sessions led by NCAR experts will cover the basics of setting up and running MPAS. They will also cover JEDI, the data assimilation component. All this is done in a friendly, supportive learning environment, alongside other new users.
Dr Ralph Burton, MPAS course leader and senior research scientist at NCAS.