The National Centre for Atmospheric Science is a world-leader in atmospheric research and innovation, committed to changing lives.

We work to understand our atmosphere, how it is changing and how it affects our environment, our health and our prosperity.
Our atmosphere is at the heart of a living and breathing system
Our atmosphere is at the heart of a living and breathing system, which includes the land, oceans, ecosystems and even extends out into space.
The atmosphere interacts with every aspect of our lives, from the air that we breathe and the daily weather forecast, through to energy production and ecosystem health.
Collectively, society has never been more aware of how our actions are changing our environment, and how our environment shapes our day-to-day lives.
The relationship between humans and our atmosphere plays a defining role in the future of our planet.
Climate Change
Our climate is changing faster than ever before in human history, with widespread effects on our food security, water resources, health and biodiversity. Forest fires are becoming more frequent, sea levels are rising, and habitats are being put under strain.
Air Pollution
The air we breathe is polluted. We breathe pollution that contributes to disease, damages crops, and places a burden on our economy.
Hazardous Weather
Floods, storms, heatwaves and droughts show how much weather can affect our lives. Hazardous weather can have social and economic impacts. It affects our food and water supply, damages our infrastructure, and puts public health at risk.
Our Mission & Vision
Our five year strategy sets out how we will unlock the answers to the biggest environmental issues of our time. Our research, skills and infrastructure will bring benefits to the UK, such as clean air solutions, resilience to climate change, and early-warning systems for high-risk weather.
Our Mission
is to understand our atmosphere, how it is changing, and how it impacts life on Earth.
Our Vision
is to push the frontiers of atmospheric science, and contribute to a healthy, resilient and productive global environment for the benefit of all.
Our Work
Over the last 15 years, we have grown in our role as a UK research centre and established ourselves within the global community.
At the heart of our organisation is a diverse and integrated team of research scientists, data analysts, technologists, managers and support staff. We believe that investing in our people keeps us at the forefront of atmospheric science.
Our staff are embedded within a consortium of universities and associated organisations and work closely with a wide range of partners, to fulfil our role on behalf of the Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation and society.
We conduct cutting-edge research, provide world-leading services for observing and modelling the atmosphere, and train the next generation of atmospheric scientists.
We encourage cooperation across the research community, and provide the UK with the capability to find solutions and drive long-term prosperity.
We provide independent advice to national and local government, businesses and wider society. We inform and influence global and national decisions, rooted in robust science, that lead to a more resilient and healthy environment for all.
Our wide-range of skills and knowledge, hand-in-hand with our research infrastructure, allow us to think ambitiously in response to the greatest environmental issues and scientific challenges of our time.
We look forward with a sense of profound determination, responsibility and inquisitiveness to assisting society with the challenges of climate change, air pollution and weather hazards.