The National Centre for Atmospheric Science is the UK centre for research into the earth’s atmosphere.
We collaborate with research groups, governments, international development organisations, universities and businesses all over the world. We help shape policy, protect the environment and seek to improve people’s lives.
Our Strategy 2020 – 2025 outlines our dedication to advancing atmospheric science, our goals, and our values. Our Research and Innovation Strategy sets out in more detail how we will respond to emerging scientific challenges, seek new partnerships, and influence solutions that assist business, policy makers and society with tackling many of the biggest environmental issues of our time.
We offer expertise
We are a team of 240 scientists and support staff, spanning a range of atmospheric research disciplines. We can mobilise teams of specialists to work independently or alongside your organisation.
We provide the UK’s Natural Environment Research Council with national capability in atmospheric science and have excellent links with the UK science community – a network which you can benefit from.
We can apply our scientific and logistics expertise to help you find a solution to environmental challenges and questions.
We offer facilities
We have access to a unique array of facilities and scientific equipment, including:
- the FAAM Airborne Laboratory (FAAM) that operates a specially adapted research aircraft
- the Atmospheric Measurement and Observation Facility (AMOF) , which manages a comprehensive suite of mobile instruments, observatories and laboratories
- the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) that hosts a long term data archive, provides large scale data analysis, and manages a globally unique data intensive supercomputer
- modelling support and infrastructure that enables numerical simulations of climate, weather and earth-system processes – via our Computer Modelling Service (CMS)
We are committed to applying our atmospheric science expertise to find solutions to environmental challenges – from forecasting droughts and periods of poor air quality to modelling robust climate projections and measuring individual vehicle tailpipe emissions.